Is carnival celebrated in Rockanje?
No, carnival isn't celebrated in Rockanje .
What is the address and telephone number of the Tourism Office of Rockanje?
VVV Rockanje
Berberislaan 2
3235 AA Rockanje
Tel. +31 181-401600
What are the addresses and contact details of the Municipality Rockanje?
Gemeente Westvoorne
Raadhuislaan 6
3235 AP Rockanje
tel. +31 181-40 80 00
tel. +31 23-5740100
We spend Christmas and New Year's Eve in Rockanje. Are the shops, museums, attractions and restaurants in Rockanje open on Christmas Eve (24 Dec.), Christmas Day (25 Dec.), New Year's Eve (31 Dec.) and New Year's Day (1 Jan.)?
Most shops, attractions and museums are closed on Christmas Day (25 Dec.) and on New Year's Day (1 Jan.). On other Christmas vacation days they are open during regular opening hours (which can be found on the individual websites).
Most restaurants in Rockanje are open on Christmas Eve (24 Dec.) and Christmas Day (25 Dec.) but a reservation is often necessary. Several restaurants are also open on New Year's Eve (31 Dec.) and New Year's Day (1 Jan.), but some of them are closed. Unfortunately, we do not have a list of restaurants in Rockanje that are open during the Christmas holiday.
You can find all information about local restaurants in Rockanje on:
For a list with information and opening hours of each restaurant in Rockanje, we refer to the websites: and/or
We went on vacation to Rockanje for many years. We now would like to buy a holiday house or apartment. Can you please provide us a list of local real estate brokers?
All houses for sale in the Netherlands can be found on the following website:
A list of real estate brokers can be found at the local Yellow Pages:
You indicate that you have lost or found something.
If you have lost something you can report this at the municipality Westvoorne ( Not the police. Is it an object which has been stolen from you? Then you should indeed do report to the police. Sometimes you also need to go to the police when it comes to a lost identity document.
Lost something?
If you have an lost an object in (the region of) Rockanje, you can inquire the local municipality Westvoorne. Perhaps your item is already found. You can declare an lost object on You can of course also come to the town hall.
After declaration of loss and showing your ID, you can retake your possession immediately.
Do you have found an object (in this region), then it is your duty to do your best to give it back to the owner. If you know who the owner is, you can do this yourself. Do you not know who the owner is? You report the the item to the local municipality.
You can declare an found object on You can of course also always come to the town hall.
We are soon on holiday in Rockanje. Where can I exchange, fill, rent or buy (camping) gas bottles?
An overview of all gas bottle sales store can be found at:
Are the shops in Rockanje opened on Sundays?
The upcoming local shopping opening hours in Rockanje during Sundays and public holidays (like Easter, Pentecost, Christmas, etc.), can be found at the following website:
The standard opening hours in Rockanje during Sundays and public holidays are of 12:00 till 17:00 hrs.
Is there a public laundry in Rockanje?
You can find all local public laundries in the local Yellow Pages:
We would like to get married in Rockanje. How can we arrange this?
If you want to get married in Rockanje, you should contact the municipality of Westvoorne.
Via the municipality of Westvoorne you will get all the necessary information to prepare the wedding properly. Information on the timing, cost, wedding venues and wedding calendar where you can see whether a particular date is still available.
You can find the contact information on the following website:
Where is the police station of Rockanje?
Here you have the address and contact details:
Politie Hellevoetsluis
Bruggehoofd 11
3223 DB Hellevoetsluis
tel. +31 343-57 8844